
Hospital stays

Finally out of the hospital, actually I was released Wednesday but I've just been too occupied to update.

I was admitted to emergency because my throat had closed over and was looking rather disgusting, to which the nurses couldn't even look without screwing up their faces. Spent four hours in fast track and then I was moved to St. Claire's until Wednesday morning when I was discharged with a perscription and sent home.

I've been in bed for the past two days sleeping and twaking around on my bass when I get bed sores. The plus side to all this is I've been eating mad amounts of jell-o, which is about the only thing that doesn't hurt on the way down. I don't think I'm going back to finish off this semester either, but I'm going to have to talk to my parents about that. Considering there's about a month left and I've missed a week there's a high chance that I'd fail or I'd do very poorly.

So much to worry about...