
"fight club only exists between the time when fight club starts and when fight club ends"

I love reading books. I mean, I really love to read books.
Yes, I'm reading Fight Club again as well as reading my classics book, Frankenstein, Haunted and about a hundred different fanfictions and short stories that people have written; both "worksafe" and "adult". And still, I can't write anything past my fantasy project, which is kind of a bummer. Oh well, at least I'm writing.

MUN fucking sucks. I hate going to classes and I hate having to worry about school. I should just start a soap company. Paper Street Soap Company. Just need to get fat and a lot of it. Maybe I need to stop reading Fight Club for a while, but then again, the first rule of fight club is: you do not talk about fight club.
If I want to get into the RNC, I have to do psychology and sociology in MUN, which I wouldn't mind doing, but I hate MUN. Maybe I'll just do the two courses and nothing else. We'll see how that goes and if I have to do three, I'll do another english course because I like english. So much shit to sift through.

Party tomorrow night. Trelyn's 19th, which is going to be fun. I haven't seen him in ages, since Zack's party back before Christmas, I'm headed down after work tomorrow night. Robyn's having another party tomorrow as well, but I'm going to Trelyn's, though I may swing by her place afterwards, just to see what's on the go. Maybe pick up some tail. Ahahahahahaha! Yeah, like that will ever happen. I'm doomed to having "poor quality" lays and shitty relationships. Poor me, emo about being lonely again. I need to drink more, if you drink people will come. They will come, be it the cops or friends or not, someone will show up.


Oh just a normal, angry, weekend

Weekends are a sad, sad existence when you spend your Saturday doing nothing and finally just letting your mind liquify as you watch Comedy Central Presents or Just For Laughs. Although that Lewis Black special was rather nice when you think your brain is about the leap out of your head and go on vacation.

Played bass yesterday until my fingers hurt and I'd turned the strings five times before I put it down and vegetated on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

I occurs to me that reding Apollodorus is like looking in the phone book and linking people together; there are paragraphs a page long tell me how this guy married the daughter of this guy who was the son of this guy and this god and then they had this many kids who went on to marry these people and they did this and their kids kids did these people in the ass and were punished by the gods because of what this guy did to this girl on the second Sunday of the seventh week of this year! Fuck man, tell me the story, not the names that I can't even pronounce!

Having another bad day and I have a test and an assignment due tomorrow. Hopefully I can get all that shit done in twelve hours and still have enough time to masturbate a few times and pass out. Big advocate of masturbation, keeps you docile and keeps the population low. People being docile is good when the shit hits the fan and people are running around screaming; the people who accept it have either had a few good nuts in the last hour or they're too fucking wasted to care. Which brings up a good point, I need to get more drunk more often with more people at more parties. More parties people, I need them. There is blood in my alcohol system! Man, I rave about shit too much, I think I'm having an attention-wanting episode again. Might be a little depressed, not sure though.

I drank a bit of my flask last night for something to do. Jägermeister and Guitar Hero don't really go together good, made the bad jokes better, though. "There's no such thing as soy milk, it's soy juice, except if you say say juice, you gag a little. No, folks, there's no such thing as soy milk because there's no such thing as a soy titty!" Oh my, I love listening to Lewis Black, he's so angry and angry is good. Sex is better when you're angry, fighting is better when you're angry, life is just better when you're a little pissed.

Fighting, I think we should all have about two hours a day where we just fight for no good reason. You feel better, it's easier then sex to get and to perform and you don't get AIDs. Plus, you know when you're done fighting, you just can't move that much anymore, but with sex you can go all night if you take a ten minute break in between. Sex is too hard to get anyway ("Sex you want, you ain't gettin'. Sex you're gettin', you don't want.").

And so concludes another pointless look into my life, time to read my Classics and possibly do my math.